Always Be Ready for the Fight

We hope and pray a fight will never occur, but we need to make ourselves ready! When you wake up, do you lie in bed dreading getting out of bed? Do you keep hitting the snooze button saying “10 more minutes!”? Or do you wake up and start your training? If you chose the last option, you are preparing to face whatever happens.

Does a fight means a fist fight, or a mugging? It doesn’t have to. A fight can be a disease like Cancer, A critical deadline at work, a car accident, or just an unexpected bad day. You need to be ready to control/handle anything that comes at you.

How can you be ready? Work on you! When that alarm goes off, Take your 12 Deep Crane breaths to get the oxygen flowing in your system and expel the Caron Dioxide! After that, it is time to get your heart rate up! Do some Situps, Pushups, and Squats, or you can work out in your art and practice forms using DEEP stances! After getting your heart rate up and making yourself out of breath, Drink a few large glasses of water to flush your system.

Now that your body is awake and feeling good, take your shower, and have a healthy breakfast! Walking out the door to work, school, errands, etc., you are now ready to face whatever life throws at you!


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