Warrior Training - Always be ready

The warrior trains all the time. He or she strengthens the body and the mind preparing for the battle he hopes will never occur. But does a battle always mean a physical altercation? No. The Warrior strengthens the immune system to fight disease. He exercises the mind so that he can see problems before they occur and remain calm in any situation that occurs. And he trains the body to fight or flee as required.

In our modern times, do we still strain as warriors. The answer is yes. There are diseases (Covid-19, Flu, Depression, etc.) and crimes (muggings, car jacking, home invasions, etc), and there are stresses (work, family problems, money, etc). We still need to be ready for a fight we hope will never happen.

Do you need to train for hours at a time? No. One can always find time during the day for meaningful exercise and meditation.

The best time to start a training regimen is many years ago. the second best time is now!


Goals: Review and Update - Don’t Discard